A MAGICAL AWAKENING: Finding your Purpose
Life takes us like a ship at a sea of emotions, fighting through waves that shape us as we mature, sharpening our sense of belonging and the meaning of our existence.Socorro Martínez provides an interesting focus on that complexity that exist within every human being and explores how that nurtures us from the moment we are born. She talks about how the circumstances of life drift us apart from our own understanding of our everyday life.
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She writes from reality, which means she speaks truth, a language that is relatable for those needing help and wanting to get to know themselves better in different areas of life. The subjects she covers are: Human values, awakening of consciousness, the family, life in the United States, love, domestic violence and the impact on children, forgiveness, the power of dreaming, essence and transformation of a woman, amongst others. The author provides the reader with life lessons that certify her as a life-coach. She places herself as a guide, as well as an exquisite companion, for a journey of self-discovery to fully becoming the person you always wanted to be.
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CON ALMA DE CANTERA Y PLATA: 100 Poemas para el alma
Es un poeta que vibra con el viento, enamorado de la Luna, que ama con locura y plasma en cada palabra el ritmo de su existencia cargada de nostalgias, luz, energía vital y rendición a Dios, que en medio de todo ofrece al lector una obra impregnada del más grandioso, dulce y sublime lirismo.
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INTENSO: Poemas del Hijo del viento
No es fácil vivir alejado de la tierra que lo vio nacer, comunicar de mil maneras ese amor al pasado y también al presente, que le ha dado la vida que puede tener actualmente. Por otro lado, cadenas invisibles lo atan a su presente y lo expresa de manera poética.
No se pierda esta obra, hecha especialmente para almas sensibles que aman la poesía.$21.99 -
EVELIN: A MIRACLE OF GOD: Everything has a meaning
This is a story about courage and determination, leading a path of experiences that will fill your soul and get you closer to God, to family and to the true meaning of a relationship as a couple.
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CONSCIOUS ADULTS, HEALTHY CHILDREN: Educating the new generations
Education issues are complex, but the important thing is to develop our parenting skills to the best of our ability in order to give them the best. The author tells us that it is not about how much we offer them economically, but about making them good people, with proper mental health and psychological development.
El poder del Amor propio: Descubra la felicidad que está dentro de usted y compártala
Este no es solamente un legado, ni una huella indeleble del paso por el mundo de un hombre excepcional, es una brújula maravillosa que le ayudará a usted, de forma insustituible, a encontrarse con la mejor versión de su persona.